Montessori Enterprises

Rhyming basket


Rhyming basket


This is a rhyming basket contacting 4 different rhymes with 12 objects (3 objects for each rhyme). The main aim it to provide experience and appreciate rhythm and rhyme and to develop awareness of rhythm and rhyme.

Develop a child's phonological awareness is an important part of developing a young reader. Young children's ability to identify rhyme is an important component of phonological awareness. Children benefit from direct instruction on rhyme recognition paired with this our rhyming basket that target this skill.

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This is a rhyming basket contacting 4 different rhymes with 12 objects (3 objects for each rhyme). The main aim it to provide experience and appreciate rhythm and rhyme and to develop awareness of rhythm and rhyme.

Develop a child's phonological awareness is an important part of developing a young reader. Young children's ability to identify rhyme is an important component of phonological awareness. Children benefit from direct instruction on rhyme recognition paired with this our rhyming basket that target this skill.

Please note that objects and rhymes may vary from the picture attached.

This is an educational product and it only to be used under adult supervision. Owing to properties essential to its purpose, this product is not suitable for children under 3 years old.